Best Infertility Clinic

A groundbreaking health team is aiming to bring joy to even more childless couples. The team at Jannee Fertility centre said,” Our Mission is to serve the people of India and bring happiness to couples in their tough journey, and achieve their dreams.”
There are a number of different Assisted Reproductive Techniques that have become quite popular. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) has helped many couples with severe infertility problems to have a baby.

Our Patients are generally found us by getting recommendations from other couples or our reputed brand name(Jannee Fertility Centre) that they have heard of. Without beating around the bush, we know that cost is an important factor. But there is more to medical treatment than cost. Success Rate:- Our Clinic has a high Sucess rate and as well as good infrastructure. Facilities & services offered by Jannee Clinic really matters to the patient. we follow a total transparency policy and keep the couple updated about each procedure and how the patient is responding, test results and complications if any. When decisions are to be made regarding which course of treatment to follow the couple are allowed to have the final say in this matter.

Whether it be a cause within the female partner or male partner or an unknown cause, you would find solutions to any infertility related the problem here at Janner Fertility centre.

Medical Examination and best infertility evaluation.We request a semen analysis as part of baseline investigation and evaluate the tubes if necessary in the female partner as part of our preliminary investigation. Baseline hormonal profile (FSH, LH, Thyroid profile, Prolactin, AMH etc.) is also evaluated if required. The results of the evaluation and analysis decide the most appropriate strategy and nature of the treatment to be undertaken. We wish you all success in achieving a pregnancy.

Success Stories

  • There can't be a fertility and gynae clinic better than Jannee. Even minutest of problems were taken care of with concern and caution. It was a wonderful experience. I hope to see Dr. Bhasin and the staff of Jannee very soon again.
  • Me and my husband were counselled so well for all treatment options here. At every step we knew the details and felt confident.
  • My dream of becoming a mother was fulfilled at Jannee. I am indebted for life to this clinic and the doctor.
    Menka Kamboj
  • Before I had my baby girl on Jannee, I battled PCOD for 3 long years with the assistance of Dr. Nirmal Bhasin. During my treatment, Dr. Nirmal was my sounding board, ensuring that I did not panic and that I understood each procedure carefully before it was performed. Conceiving with PCOD was a difficult and emotional process, but at Jannee Fertility Centre, I braved my way through it all.

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